Tension - essence of soul
Tension - essence of soul


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Crafted to arm you for the “on the go essential oil” to help relieve tension headaches*. Helps nourish and ease nervous tension and soothes irritability. Keeps one present by lifting focus and clarity of mind. Boosts energy and positive thoughts. Peppermint may also assist with nausea and clear congestion

Spiritual: Cleans and purify negative energy · aids connection with spirit

  • Base Notes: Fresh, minty and herbaceous note of Peppermint

________ Use Guide ________

Apply on temples and where you feel throbbing · repeat every 15 minutes until pain is relieved. Peppermint is also great for easing stomach discomfort, apply directly onto it.

Shake well before use

INGREDIENTS: Jojoba, Peppermint Premium Australian (Menta piperita)

  • Peppermint Premium Australian | Plant Part: Leaf | Extraction: Steam Distilled

SIZE: 9ml /  0.30 fl.oz

BOTTLE: is extra thick glass

DISCLOSURES: STORE UPRIGHT · KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DO NOT INGEST · STORE BELOW 30°C  · keep out of direct sunlight · avoid near eyes · avoid during pregnancy · external use only

DISCLAIMER: *Statements made within QYORA™ website and labelling have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). No products manufactured, marketed, or distributed are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The Tension is the product you didn't think you need, but once you have it, something you won't want to live without.

Inventory Last Updated: Apr 26, 2024

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