Peace Sample Sale - essence of soul
Peace Sample Sale - essence of soul

Peace Sample Sale

Regular price $36.00 Sale price $21.00
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Outlet Sale is a rare opportunity to try the therapeutic benefits at a heavily reduced price. 

Full size bottles will have some slight aesthetic imperfections.

One or some of the below:

  • labels not perfectly straight
  • small bubble on one side
  • sprayer slightly loose


Beautiful, instant floral warmth to a space. Evokes deep emotional peace and balance. With intent to calm the mind for relaxation, & clarity. Also helps to enhance memory.  Elevates your senses and room vibrancy with exquisite Jasmine

Spiritual: Attract spirit and connect to higher self.

  • Heart Notes: Immerse yourself in the beautiful exotic aroma of Jasmine. Allowing for a stunning, intense and sensual warm floral experience. Harmonised with Rose Geranium to warm the heart. Bergamot compliments the floral blend with a complex composition of sweet and fruity scents.
________ Use Guide ________
Warm your heart with 3 - 6 sprays.  Spray around you for an instant boost to your senses and uplift room vibrancy. Perfect for meditation and yoga. 


INGREDIENTS: Water. Alcohol. Jasmine (Jasminum sambac). Rose geranium (Pelargonium Roseum Stem Oil). Bergamot (Citrus Aurantium l. subsp. bergamia). Grounding crystal

  • Jasmine | Plant Part: Flower | Extraction: Food Grade Solvent
  • Rose Geranium | Plant Part: Leaf and Flower| Extraction: Steam Distilled
  • Bergamot Calabrian | Plant Part: Fruit Peel | Extraction: Cold Pressed

SIZE: 50ml /  1.69 fl. oz.  fl.oz

DISCLOSURES: STORE UPRIGHT · KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DO NOT INGEST · STORE BELOW 30°C  · keep out of direct sunlight · avoid near eyes · avoid during pregnancy · do not use near animals · external use only

DISCLAIMER: Statements made within QYORA™ website and labelling have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). No products manufactured, marketed, or distributed are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The Peace Sample Sale is a sensational customer favorite, and we hope you like it just as much.

Inventory Last Updated: Apr 29, 2024

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